Debunking LinkedIn: 5 LinkedIn Myths to leave behind with the pandemic

Demystifying everyone’s favourite humble-brag platform…

5 min readJun 21, 2020

“I don’t get the point. Isn’t it just another way to stalk and compare yourself to your age-mates for validation?”

It’s Thursday, 8 o’ clock in the evening, a time where I usually begin to switch off from work and passively scroll through the endless timeline of social media posts . Yet, I found myself enveloped in a 40 minute rabbit- hole discussion with my housemate.

It all started when I tried to explain why setting up a LinkedIn account would revolutionise the way she searched for opportunities during her time at university. I realised, that like myself, people often set up profiles on the networking site without actually taking the time out to understand how it works.

A lot of undergraduates are put off from LinkedIn as they are worried about oversharing on a professional platform, or not being sure about what kind of personal brand they want to project. To truthfully put it, there is no formula for the best way to get started, but to just start!
However, for a newbie I can understand how the world of LinkedIn can be quite a confusing concept to grasp, with many harbouring misconceptions about the way it works.

Check out a 5- point list i’ve compiled below to help you dispel some common LinkedIn myths preventing you from effectively using the platform and making those valuable connections.

Myth #1- My activity should only be related to the company I work for and the industry it’s in

Due to its unique algorithm, posts on LinkedIn tend to get a a lot more exposure than on other social media platforms. Because of this, a lot of people prefer to use the platform to post content that isn’t relevant to the current company/ industry they work in.
Due to the sheer exposure, posting on a LinkedIn is a great way to build your professional brand and to extend your online presence.

However, there is such thing as oversharing- and believe me it’s not exactly as easy sight to witness. A way to avoid this is to ask yourself before posting, “Would I be comfortable with every single person in my network (and their network) to view this?”- it might seem a bit extreme to think so far and wide, but it is a good way to prevent any trigger finger regrets!

Commenting and liking your peer’s posts, regardless of what industry they’re in, is a great way to show your support, and hence build trust around your personal brand. Nobody wants to see someone constantly posting on only theirselves- it’s admirable to show your open support to your peers.

Myth #2- LinkedIn is the least social platform

The quick LinkedIn timeline scroll on a Monday before I begin the week’s work is usually one of the most entertaining parts of the morning. Anyone who spends more than 5 minutes scrolling will tell you that it is one of the most social platforms out there. Yes, its main use is for professional networking, but from time- to- time even professionals like to share snippets on things they like to do outside of their main work activities.

LinkedIn is a great way to open up conversations on topics and business areas that you’d like to learn more about. You’d be surprised as to how many people in your network are willing to share the knowledge they have by sparing a quick 30 minutes for open conversation. A lot of people find opportunities, mentors and even Co- Founders from a simple search and a string of messages. It’s certainly not a platform to sit idle on as you never know where a connection can take you.

Myth #3- LinkedIn is only meaningful if you are looking for a job

LinkedIn is so much more than just a job hunting platform. As mentioned in point 1, LinkedIn is a great way to build upon your personal brand, expand your network and gain new knowledge in whatever industry you fancy.

With its many features, there are countless means which you can use to keep up- to- date with what’s going on in your industry and the varied interests you may have. You can follow company pages, industry influencers and interest groups.

By following the right pages, and engaging in the right conversations, you can really utilise modern technology in the best way to open up professional doors you would never have thought of.

Myth #4- If I update my profile, everyone in my network will be notified

If you’re not as much of a humble-bragger as the next LinkedIn user, there are ways which you can tailor your privacy settings to only notify your network of certain career changes.

When editing your work experience on your profile, there is a toggle which you can switch off to prevent any notifications flashing up on your network’s feeds.

Furthermore, LinkedIn has quite advanced security settings which you can access if you click on the ‘Setting & Privacy section’ of your profile.

Myth #5- I can only reach out to members I am connected to

A great LinkedIn hack I came across recently is that if you want to convey a message to people from outside your immediate network, you can join groups relevant to the content you wish to post. This way you can share your content and take confidence in the fact that it will get exposure to more industry- focused members.

To round this article up, LinkedIn is one of the best platforms out there to connect with members from in and outside of your industry, and to grow knowledge in whatever sector you wish. Hopefully I’ve managed to clear up any myths surrounding the platform and encouraged you to create a user profile, if you haven’t done so already.
Take the most of every opportunity and become an active member today!




London-based Writer + Founder with a passion for start-ups and VC | I share resources to help you be the best version of yourself IG:@thechroniclesofpaasha